Copyright Information

According to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (title 17, U.S. Code.), KidTrail uses pictures from websites of products, businesses and services we review. These reviews are located in KidTrail Finds, Cool Finds and Recipes. These pictures are used to provide additional information to our users. These pictures are the property of the website and business owners. All other content is the property of KidTrail.

KidTrail provides listings of various businesses and services for the KidTrail user community to view and review. These listings provide address information, phone and web address for each business. KidTrail uses pictures from each business website to provide additional information about the business in its listing. These pictures are used in accordance with U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (title 17, U.S. Code.). These pictures are the property of the website and business owners. Logos of businesses are used only if a business provides permission to KidTrail.

All other content on the site belongs to KidTrail. If you would like to use our content, please contact us for permission. If you use KidTrail content, please use only a snapshot and credit it back to us with a link.

Claims of Infringement

If you believe that any content on infringes on your copyright, please let us know by emailing